Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Logic Class

So today I had logic class at 12:15pm. I spent my time writing Haiku's.

Dear professor Sloth,
Ur a nice enough person,
class is just boring. 

My teacher's name isn't actually sloth, but I didn't wanna use his real name. I was having conflicts to whether 'you're' was considered to have two syllables, or one, so I just used 'ur'.

J'ai faim; I'm hungry
I would really like Sonic.
They have the best food.

Lately I haven't been eating in the morning, and then I get to school and wonder why I'm hungry. I thought the last line in this was pretty cool because it only consisted of one syllable words.

Getting lost again.
I'm floating to my own world.
Public Broadcasting?

I always zone out in that class, because it's soo boring and confusing and difficult to understand. When I zoned back in at one point, they were talking about PBS and stuff. I thought the first line was really cool because it was all like 'two syllable word, one syllable word, two syllable word again!' like 2 1 2. I thought the pattern was cool. 

Roast Beef, Cheddar Cheese,
Mayonnaise, tomatoes, Chips
White bread, not wheat bread

I was still hungry. I had sandwich on my mind. I decided that mayonnaise had three syllables and not two. So pronounce it as 'May-on-naise'.

Blue and Green taxis
I totally got mind f**ked.
This happens a lot.

I got confused with this problem about the percentage of taxis or something. Why the hell did I take that class?

My stomach just growled.
Thai peanut flavored noodles.
J'ai faim; Still hungry

I feel like that one is self explanatory.

Adam walking by.
I see him outside my class.
He's not in my class.

When I was busy not paying attention in class, I saw my friend Adam walk by the window. I hope he's not offended. I'll tell him it's another Adam.

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