Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Feel Great

     So I had a pretty crap day today. Mostly just because of the fact that today at school was boring, (I mean, way more boring than usual) and my mind was dwelling on 'ex things' if you know what I mean. (I don't really want to go into too great detail.) So today, after (and during) calculus class, I wrote one of the most depressing pieces of writings I think I have ever written. (It was going into detail about how I feel about how I feel. I didn't even help, it just made me feel worse.) So anyways, I have a whole hour and twenty-five minutes before my 7:25pm English class, where all of my friends seem to disappear from campus. (I'm very lonely at this time, and usually use it trying to convince Kairi to spend time with me, or luring Sapling out of her dorm. Neither of which I am usually successful.) Well this time I was able to get Tristan to respond to my calls of loneliness, and went to hang out with him at his dorm. (By hang out I mean sit on his bed and play on his DS, while he reads a bunch of articles about Co-ed dorms.) Well at one point I sighed and said, "Today was a terrible day."
     To which he replied, "Yeah, I heard. F.C. told me. She said something about Amaretto, which I still don't know much about."
   Sometimes Tristan's passive aggressiveness, along with his lack of fear to make things awkward just shocks me. I'm not sure if these are some of his better, or worse traits. Either way, these are traits of his that makes me mad, and I was not about to have this conversation with him (especially). So I just responded, "Just a bunch of stupid shit."
     "Well I knew that much," he responded, obviously annoyed that he didn't get a more detailed response. (Yeah that's right Tristan, I did that on purpose.)
     So I left for class. A little early too. Tristan didn't seem like he was in a great mood (from the beginning), and neither was I.
     So I'm in English class, still wallowing in self pity, when I got a text. (I thought it was strange, because I just texted Kairi 'I'm Bored', and he usually doesn't respond to trivial texts like that, at least to me.) So I opened my phone expecting an unexpected text from Kairi. It wasn't Kairi (of course), it was Tristan.
     "Oh no," I thought, "Now he's gonna want to have a 'talk'."
     I opened the text.

Hope your stuff gets better; moving on takes time, but you have something that's nice now!

    "I hope he's not talking about my new beau, who's been treating me like I'm a fucking acquaintance of his." I thought bitterly. (Maybe getting in another relationship during the process of getting over the last one wasn't such a bright idea. Whatever, he was paying enough attention to me at the time.)

I replied, 'Thanks. It feels like forever since I've been happy.'

     Maybe a little too heartfelt. I don't know why I said that. Then Tristan texted me something very significant.

"There are great people in your life. Don't let one person ruin the good in everything else."

     That really caught me off guard. I was all of a sudden in a great mood. I even smiled. It was so weird too. I've bitched about Amaretto to so many people, and nobody has ever fucking told me to look on the bright side. Or maybe they did? Maybe they had to be more specific and tell me, "Look at all the great people in your life, and all you can think about is one shitty one?"
     And so that's basically it. All that story to get to one point. I'm in a good mood now. Hopefully it will last. When I read that, I feel like there was a window put between me and my thoughts about Amaretto, and that everyone around me (at this moment in time, the dreadful children in my Composition 101 class) became more real. I'm not sure how to describe it, but I feel like I've been lost in my own thought for such a long time, and Tristan's few words pulled me back into reality, at least for tonight. (I want to compare it to being high for a really long time, then becoming sober. I personally fucking hate the feeling of being high, so it felt really good to me.) So now I'm in a good mood. It's not even bothering me that much that my boyfriend isn't texting me back like he said he would (*twitch*). I don't think much could ruin this night. I feel great.

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