Sunday, November 13, 2011

Turns out sex isn't really that great.

I was having 'ex problems' again, but it was a different kind. It was weird, but I was having sexual fantasies about Amaretto this morning. I was missing his sex. To the point where even Tristan's whole 'Don't let one person ruin it' thing wasn't working. But what did work was one thought I never really thought about. The fantasies are always better than the actual sex. It's something that I realized has never failed me. Even with Amaretto.


  1. Of course. That's something that Leos have a hard time with; everything they think about is better than it can ever be. Sex, relationships, &c. It sucks. :|

  2. We aren't that different. An Aquarius' idea of a perfect relationship is something that has nothing in common with reality, or what a relationship actually is.
